Using Amazon Subscribe and Save for Dog Food

This is Emery and Pedro.  They are our boxer babes who we adore and bring us so much joy.  Unfortunately, they require food.  I am terrible at feeding anything.  Ask my husband-- this is definitely an area of growth for me.

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 The dogs would eat the last of the food, and I wouldn't realize until 10 pm and then we would race to the grocery store before it closed for the night.  My coworker mentioned that their dog's food is delivered monthly via Amazon, and I was thrilled.  Finally, a solution to this silly problem that continued to plague me.

My aunt asked me how to set this up for her 4 dogs, and I told her I would find instructions online and send them over.  I couldn't find step by step instructions, so I have written them myself for your inconvenience.

1. Go here.  This is the search function within Amazon's recurring delivery feature. You can use this feature for paper towels, toilet paper, batteries, and any other item that you find yourself inconveniently running out of.

2. Search dog food.  Amazon may not have what dog food you usually purchase; however, we are super happy with the dog food that we use.  We use Purina Pro Plan.  

3. Scroll down a bit and you will see a huge selection of dog food options.  You are looking for dog food that has 'subscribe and save' linked next to the price.  If you are thinking that these prices are quite high, consider the weight of the bag.  We pay more, but we get more.  You can also select a smaller sized bag when you click on the dog food and go to the details page of the item.

4. On the details page, you can adjust the quantity as well as when the item is delivered.  We have two 25 pound bags delivered to our home once a week.  

5. Our dogs will not have finished this by the time the next delivery comes, so every 3-4 months, we skip a delivery. When you check out, you can decide the exact day in which your dog food will be delivered each month.

This has saved us numerous last minute grocery store runs, and it is one last thing to have to think about.  When you subscribe to save, you also save 5% off the purchase of the item.  To earn 15%, you need to subscribe to 5 items or more.  We have not tried to subscribe to anything else, but after running out of toilet paper AND deodorant last week, that seems like a sign to get on that! 

And here they are (when Pedro was so tiny) enjoying their food!