Goodness: Tattoo Inspiration

Tattoos... oh gosh ... what to say?  I go back and forth on whether I want one (or several) or none.  Taylor has his fair share.  In fact, I have been made into a tattoo.  Check me out as a ocean/siren lady.


Anyway, I wanted to share my favorite tattoo artist - Alice Carrier.  My friend, Lindsie, showed me her Instagram a couple of months ago, and there has not been a tattoo that I didn't want.  Take a look.

Aren't these soft and lovely?  I can imagine a 70 year old self rocking these under my old lady sweater.  They pass all of my tattoo requirements: not too trendy and I wouldn't have to change my current look to make it work.  The rule in our house is that you have to want the tattoo for 6 months before you can get it.  Taylor seems to think it is 6 weeks or 6 days.

Sadly, Alice works and lives in Portland.  I will have to wait for the next time she visits Austin at a tattoo expo or something like that.

Which one do you like best?  Do you have tattoos? Any regrets? Should I go for it come June?